Our Bulletin 1783 Stratix 5700 Managed Industrial Ethernet Switches use the current Cisco Catalyst switch architecture and feature set. They are designed to meet your switching capability needs, from smaller applications to IT-ready integration with plantwide infrastructure. Configuration and monitoring tools provide secure integration to the enterprise network and allow easy setup and diagnostics with our Integrated Architecture system.
Includes integrated Device Level Ring (DLR) connectivity which helps optimize the network architecture Provides Network Address Translation (NAT) capabilities which offers IP-address mapping from local, machine-level IP addresses to the broader plant network Offers Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) versions to enable power delivery over the same cable as ethernet with minimized cabling Includes security features such as access control lists, which help ensure that only authorized devices, users, and traffic can access the network Offers optional Secure Digital (SD) card which provides simplified device replacement.
Studio 5000 Add-on Profiles (AOPs) enable premier integration into our Integrated Architecture system Includes predefined logix tags to help diagnostics retrieval Provides FactoryTalk View faceplates to enable status monitoring and alarming Provides built-in Cisco Internet Operating System (IOS) to help secure integration with enterprise network.