A Distribution block is an economical and convenient way of distributing an electrical circuit from a single input source, to several devices in the branch circuit. Thus re- ducing the total number of wires in your electrical panel and saving you time and money. These blocks allow wires to be easily disconnected just by lifting a lever or knife switch. They can be used for convenient disconnection and connection without removing the wires.
PDB Series Power Distribution Blocks are dual rated for both copper and aluminum conductors. Each power distribution block is made from electro tin plated aluminum alloy, insulated by glass filled reinforced nylon and has finger safe protection complete with a cover. The device terminal blocks were primarily developed for the grid connection of electrical and electronic devices. The distribution blocks, on the other hand, were developed for potential distribution. However, they are also suitable for more complex tasks due to individual plates and function versions.
Power distribution blocks are used in branch circuit applications to connect 2 or more circuits together, thus preventing dangerous wire splicing. Power distribution blocks centralize and consolidate your control panel wires and cables and can also take primary power then dividing it among secondary circuits.