
ECOR-SS Shear Pin Over Current Relay

Overload Operation Time: O-Time0.2~10s
Start Avoiding Time: D-Time0.2~30s
Current Range: 3~30A
Working Power: AC220V, AC380V
Frequency: 50 Hz
LC Code: LC10187

Availability: In Stock
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    The EOCR-are Electronic Solid State or MCU (Microprocessor) based Motor Protection Relays with multiple protections including Over loading, Single Phasing, Phase Reversal, Phase Unbalanced, Locked Rotor, Ground Fault, Short Circuit and Undercurrent to protect your motors from premature failures even in extreme. Electronic overcurrent relays provide protection against the locked rotor and mechanical shocks. Unlike the thermal overload relays, these contactor relays do not have a thermal memory; instead, they have definite time characteristics with adjustable current threshold and time delay.

    Inverse Time Overcurrent Relays (IDMT Relay) In this type of relays, operating time is inversely changed with current. So, high current will operate overcurrent relay faster than lower ones. Electronic Over Current Relay – Protection Components [Protection of AC Motor, DC Motor and System Voltage] Motor protection relay that protects your motor against burnout. Can be used as protection against motor burnout during overload or locked rotor, and offers a wide range of specifications to meet various needs, including protection against overload and phase loss, time lag, quick connect, etc.

    Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by an independent low-power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. There are four basic motor controller and drive types: AC, DC, servo, and stepper, each having an input power type modified to the desired output function to match with an application.

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